*The call for entries for the Edwin Morgan Poetry Award 2024 is now closed*


You are eligible to enter for this Award:

  • if you were born in 1994 or later 
  • if you were born in Scotland, raised in Scotland or are an ongoing resident of Scotland
  • if you have not published a first full-length collection or had one accepted for publication at the date of submission


  • A PDF of 10 unpublished poems, totalling no more than 12 pages
  • A sound recording of 10 unpublished poems being read, totalling no more than 12 minutes
  • A video of 10 unpublished poems, totalling no more than 12 minutes


Edwin Morgan experimented with many different forms in his work over the years, from sonnets to one-word poems, collage poems and concrete poems. The EMPA places no restrictions on the definition or form or look of a poem.

Text poems should be submitted as one single PDF to be uploaded to the submission form, without your name or other identifying elements appearing on the document. 

Submissions can primarily use English, Scots or Gaelic. The Trust will ensure that your application will be assessed in the original language (including BSL), but, as a courtesy to all judges, a glossary or translation into English should be supplied.

We have expanded submissions to include video and sound files, both to open access to people who would prefer to submit in this format and to encourage those who may not use written text in their practice to apply.

Sound files should be uploaded to Soundcloud, with a title and without your name on the upload. 

Video files should be uploaded to Vimeo, with a title and without your name on the upload. 

Submissions are accepted via an online portal. We ask for a name, address and phone number for administration contact details, which will be removed from applications to ensure anonymised judging. We are also including an anonymous form to monitor diversity, which will not be used as part of the judging process.